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Hillcrest Senior Primary offers opportunities for children to extend their vocal range and learn to sing and harmonies together as a group. As members of our school choir’s children are given many opportunities to perform throughout the year. Our annual choir evening at the end of the first term is a highlight on our schools’ calendar.

Djembe Drumming

Our Senior Primary have a 52-piece djembe drumming group led by Mr Mark Whittaker, a well know drumming teacher in the highway area. This very popular performance group have performed at many notable functions and conferences in the greater Durban area. Children are selected to join the group based on an audition process.

Marimba Band

Hillcrest Primary has a 17-member Marimba Band who perform at various events and competitions throughout the year. The band is open to grade 6 and 7 learners and is a two-year commitment. Children are selected to join the group based on an audition process.

Art Club

Art Club is a wonderful opportunity for children to explore their creativity in a fun-filled and relaxed atmosphere, where ideas come to life and are developed through eager and vivid imaginations. Much laughter and encouragement among the learners is ever-present and intertwined with the creative process of art-making in a variety of two and three – dimensional projects.