Grade R
Grade R is situated at the far end of the main field, the buildings nestled in an attractive, indigenous garden with a canopy of leaves from two Plane trees providing shade during the warm summer months. But even more important than the school buildings is what happens inside of them.
In order to provide each child with a holistic education there are a number of activities offered to the children. The children remain in their own classroom during ‘School Readiness Activities’ where they follow a more formal programme of learning. During Free Choice Play sessions, the children are encouraged to explore the various activities on offer. The Cognitive Area offers puzzles, educational games, construction toys and Block Play. The Art room is where we focus on nurturing the creative talents of each child, offering structured as well as free art activities.
The development of large motor skills is vital in the overall development of a healthy child and enables them to have the strength and stamina to cope with the demands of formal schooling. Our garden and outdoor playground is exciting and stimulating. There is a sandpit; three jungle gyms, including a climbing wall; a cycle track and an undercover veranda where the children can experiment with toys and substances in the sensopathic trays. Our Fantasy Hut offers children an opportunity to role-play, dress-up and play in the home-corner.
We hold a number of events throughout the year: Grade R sports day, Mothers special tea for Mother’s Day, Fathers special tea for Father’s Day, Grade R Concert, Grandparent’s Day concert and Art Exhibition. The children are also entertained with various puppet shows and educational shows throughout the year.
In Grade R our entire program is designed to develop children holistically while valuing their individuality. Underpinning everything else we do is the development of each child’s self-esteem. Children at our school are made to feel secure, valued and appreciated.