Grade 1
Our Grade One children are welcomed into one of six well equipped classrooms, each headed by an expert in their field. This is a most exciting year as they become more independent and are now able to apply what they have learned in Grade R.
They continue to develop as individuals within a more formal program. Learning to read and write is the greatest achievement of the year. Physical Education, Coding & Robotics and Performing Arts are included in our extensive program. They are also taught Afrikaans and isiZulu where the focus is on building vocabulary in preparation for the next grade. Each child has the opportunity to develop their skills within these fields through creativity, individual involvement and group work. An annual theme related excursion forms an integral part of our curriculum. This is where children are able to explore and apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. Parental involvement and support is the key to an all round, well-grounded foundation. We look forward to a long-term partnership with you and your child.
Grade 2
In Grade 2 the educators aim to consolidate concepts and learning that the children have been exposed to in Grade 1 and therefore continue to build the essential foundations for learning. At Hillcrest Primary School we have 6 mainstream and 2 remedial Grade 2 classes which are all equipped to deliver the curriculum in a vibrant, exciting and meaningful way. Children are encouraged to work towards being more independent and therefore take more responsibility for their own learning. Learners are taught through a variety of methods; individually, grouped or whole class teaching and assessment of tasks is conducted either through formal tests or continuous assessments. Results are fed back to parents so that informed decisions may be made to assist the child to make the progress that they are capable of and if interventions are necessary these can be put into place.
Grade 2 learners are encouraged to read as widely as possible as this skill is the foundation for all areas of learning. The graded reading schemes aim to develop the learners word recognition, comprehension and word decoding skills. In Grade 2 the aim is that the children are able to write more lengthy passages in a creative and comprehensive way. In Mathematics, children are taught through concrete, practical methods that allow them to fully grasp the basic mathematical concepts. They are taught to use the 4 mathematical operations to calculate equations and are exposed to numerical word problems.
Excursions are carefully planned to compliment the curriculum. Performing Arts, Coding & Robotics, PE and weekly media sessions are also an integral part of the timetable. Children are also taught Afrikaans and isiZulu on First Additional Language level.
Grade 3
Our five classes of grade 3 learners enter their classes with excitement and a hint of trepidation, being the “big” children of the Foundation Phase! They soon settle down in their well-equipped classrooms to the demands of a greater, more challenging workload, guided by well experienced teachers, experts in their field. Learners are encouraged to achieve within a formal, structured program of academics and participate in Physical Education, Coding & Robotics and Performing Arts lessons, as our focus is to develop the children holistically whilst embracing their individuality, taking their multiple intellectual abilities into account.
The opportunity to develop their skills in an extensive program is encouraged. Excursions are theme related to enable the learners to explore, apply and extend their knowledge gained in the classroom. A vital key to an all-round, solid foundation is parental support and involvement with both the learner and the teacher. We look forward to a healthy, successful partnership with you and your child.