Grade 4
Grade 4 is an exciting and wonderful year for the learners. It is the child’s first year in the senior primary phase where new concepts and learning areas are introduced. Our dedicated and efficient team of teachers aim to nurture every child’s uniqueness and create lifelong learners.
The curriculum includes six learning areas: Mathematics, English, Afrikaans/isiZulu (both languages are offered, and learners choose one), Natural Science & Technology, Social Science (which includes History and Geography), and Life Skills (which encompasses Music, PE, Art, Drama, and Personal and Social Wellbeing). Interactive teaching methods are employed across all subjects, and learners participate in projects that promote environmental awareness.
Field trips and outings complement our teaching approach. The learners engage in educational activities and day trips that focus on leadership, helping to build confidence, responsibility, and self-esteem.
Grade 5
“Grade 5 is unquestionably the most wonderful grade.”
It is a year when the transition from Grade 3 to Grade 4 is complete, and learners are well settled into the senior primary phase.
Our academic program is full, and the continuous support from parents is always greatly appreciated.
A highlight of the year is our overnight excursion—an incredible adventure, to say the least. Leadership skills, camaraderie, a sense of achievement, good wholesome food, and fun in the dormitories all come together to create an unforgettable experience for the children.
Other special days we enjoy in Grade 5 include our cake sale days, two Outdoor Learning Days, and our Egyptian Dress-Up and Feast Day.
Our team firmly believes in the words of Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Grade 6
“A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark.” — Chinese Proverb
Our Grade 6 students are not objects to be molded but individuals to be nurtured and unfolded. As they progress through Grade 6, they take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that come with them.
In Grade 6, we strive to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who contribute to creating a better and more peaceful world through understanding and respect. We encourage our students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who recognize that others, despite their differences, may also be right.
Grade 7
The Grade 7 phase encourages learners to become independent by teaching them responsibility, time management, and organizational skills in preparation for high school. We believe in “learning with understanding,” and we focus on consolidating the academic foundation through skill-based learning rather than rote memorization. Through various activities, leadership and life skills are developed in all learners.
Learners also attend a two-night excursion to develop self-awareness and leadership. Through our Leadership and Outreach programs, we emphasize empathy and consideration for others. Fundraising contributions go toward the purchase of the Grade 7 gift, which benefits the entire Hillcrest Primary community.
Highlights of the Grade 7 year include the annual Valentine’s Fun Day, Family Fun Fest, the Musical, and the Farewell Prom.