Remedial Unit
Our Vision
To provide short term Remedial Education to children diagnosed with Specific Learning Difficulties.
We are equipped to deal with impairments in reading, spelling, written expression and Mathematics.
We aim, not only to remediate learning difficulties but to foster the child’s self-confidence and facilitate a love for lifelong learning.
Our Purpose
We aim to close the gaps in literacy and numeracy within 2 to 3 years so that our learners may return to the mainstream system.
Special Features / Offerings
The Remedial Unit was established in 2002 to meet the needs of learners who struggle academically because of intrinsic barriers to learning. We offer the CAPS Curriculum with differentiated pacing and therapeutic teaching methods with the following special features:
- Qualified and compassionate teachers
- Individual and Group Speech Therapy from Grade 1 to 3 including class groups therapy which extends into grade 4. (included in the school fee structure)
- Private Occupational Therapy with fully equipped sensory integration room on site
- School counsellors and social workers providing short term counselling.
- Each classroom is fitted with an FM System to assist learners with Central Auditory Processing Disorders.
- We offer grades 1-7
- Learner/teacher ratio limited to 1:15
- Full integration with school life with regards to assemblies, breaks and sport and culture programme.
- Fully equipped IT Centre, Art Room and Reading Room.
- PE Specialist
- Bright, airy and welcoming classrooms.
Application Process
If your child has been identified with barriers to learning in the mainstream environment, the application process is as follows:
- Consult with a paediatrician/medical practitioner to first establish whether there are any underlying medical reasons as to why the child is struggling at school.
- Ensure that vision and hearing has been assessed.
- Consult with an Educational Psychologist who will administer a battery of tests to help map the way forward in the child’s educational journey.
- Contact the remedial unit on 031 765 1214 extension 1160. Ask for Janine Carney. She will guide you through the process.
- Submit all test results.
- We will open a file and assess whether can meet your child’s needs.
- Based on that decision, we will hold a case conference.
- We will conduct a classroom-based observation.
- A feedback meeting is then held, and we will make a decision from there based on the best interests of the child.
We value teacher/parent collaboration and utilise a multidisciplinary approach to remediation.
We enjoy consulting with all stakeholders as we value each professional’s input.